Too much technology

A big chunk of my life is spent online – consuming information.  Emails, useless information, social media – non stop endless streams of media. It is an addiction, definitely but it is also a tool.

Hangouts get VoIP

So Google Hangouts get Voice (VoIP) when we thought it was on it’s way out.  Amit Fulay, Google’s product manager of Hangouts : “We want to emphasize people. The mode you use simply depends on the urgency level. We have text, video and voice. But that’s not where you start; you start with the person.”. If that’s where you are heading #Google, that’s great news for us the consumers.

Tech was always about  scratching an itch. But ultimately it is about the “Person” not the technology.

Sept. 10th is the Internet Slowdown

If you have not realised it yet. The internet is slow-on purpose – today. Why? Because we are on protest for an open internet. US, you are getting way too bureaucratic and have obviously lost your way. You still have a chance to get your act back together before it’s too late. Let’s not let the almighty dollar ruin the original intent of the Internet.

RCS rolling out in Singapore

Current situation

R.I.P. Old IE versions


Browsers Wars 2014

Please note that the summer months in the US and Europe can be a little quirky with more people on vacation. Safari on the iPad has performed the best this month which could be explained by many of lying on sun loungers.

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